David Burnham HBA
Belleville, ON, Canada
Member since 13 Aug 2016
Captivate Instructor and Developer, Certified Adobe Captivate Expert, Adobe Certified Instructor, Certified Technical Trainer 26 years experience, former Public School Superintendent Ontario School System, yes I began developing eLearning with Authorware! and ToolBook!  long before Captivate and Storyline. Life long learner and adult educator. Parent to two creative young people - one an instructional designer, the other a talented game developer.
Current Position
Captivate Instructor, Storyline Instructor, eLearning Developer
On the web
Linkedin Profile
Harper Burnham & Associates Certified Trainers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Captivate, Storyline 360, Presenter, Acrobat, Acrobat Accessibility, InDesign, Animate, Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition, Premiere, Adobe Connect, FrameMaker, Articulate 360, Articulate Rise - tools for eLearning/mLearning development
Belleville, ON, Canada